sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010

Minor Threat - Minor Threat

We're not the first, I hope we're not the last
'Cause I know we're all heading for that adult crash
The times is so little, the time belongs to us
Why is everybody in such a fucking rush?

Make do with what you have
Take what you can get
Pay no mind to us
We're just a minor threat

We're just a minor threat

Early to finish, I was late to start
I might be an adult, but I'm a minor at heart
Go to college, be a man, what's the fucking deal?
It's not how old I am, it's how old I feel

Take your time
Try not to forget
We never will
We're just a minor threat

We're just a minor threat

What Happens Next? - Positive Youth (It’s Not Just For Kids Anymore)

(Time passes. New faces come, old faces often feel obligated to "give up" or "grow up." Despite it’s ups and downs, the hardcore / punk scene continues to fuel me with more positive than negative energy. Being involved in it makes me feel like it’s perpetually summer time and I'm still 17. I wouldn't trade this feeling for the world. Though not written for or about him, this song is dedicated to the memory of Jas Toomer for staying young, staying positive and staying active until the very end. If we had a couple thousand Jas Toomers in the scenes of the world we'd never have to worry about burnout anymore. But Jas was one of a kind and will be missed by all that knew him).

I hear your criticisms
The scene’s not what it used to be
But how soon you forget
That the scene’s just what you make of it
You’re never too old
This is a lifestyle not a career
We will create
As much as we destroy
So fuck their defeatist air
Bitter words and vacant stares

Burnt out, fed up
Stabbed in the back
Like the chorus to
A thousand straight edge anthems

Who’s to blame
For your stage right exit
The scene doesn’t need to be a tragedy
It just needs some new
Some new fucking casting

Positive Youth (It’s Not Just For Kids Anymore)
Positive Youth (It’s Not Just For Kids Anymore)
Positive Youth! Positive Youth! Youth!

Together - young and old
Rejecting all that we’ve been told
Respect the elders - respect the youth
Together we may find new truths

Positive Youth (It’s Not Just For Kids Anymore)

quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010

Entrefuego - Las Murallas y Los Sueños

Todo amanecer es especial, respirar, sudar,
Tambien... llorar
El sonreir cada vez que percibes la pasion...
Por existir!
Y hoy como siempre aqui!!!
Automatas monitoreando el propio descontento
Sujetos a la mecanica rutina diaria, por el

Olvidando vivir de verdad

Produciendo para gastar, esperando a ser senil...
Para disfrutar
Desperdiciando dias, semanas, meses, años, entre
Estas murallas se drena tu vida
Aprender para producir, producir para gastar
Exigencias de una forma de vida mercantil
Y una educacion concebida para aprender a
Obdecer... donde no hay tiempo para crear

No somos nosotros los que hemos bajado los brazos...
Cada dia cada respiro, no queremos ser de esta forma
Los convencidos
Estas murallas por fuertes ke sean
No retienen ni retendran nuestros sueños

No es el hecho de trabajar, es el interes a
Queriendo hacer de tu vida algo especial
Las verdaderas sonrisas no las puedes comprar!!!
Cada dia nuevo es especial... vivir de manera
Sencilla y simple... para tu y por ti
Los sueños del diario vivir, no se transan por una
Aprension mercantil.

Estas murallas por fuertes que sean, no retienen,
Ni retendran nuestros sueños

terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010

Chuva Negra - O.C.P.

Quanto tempo mais? Você me faz ficar parado aqui
pessoas passam, olham e acham que sou tipo um animal criminoso.
Como é que querem que eu confie em alguém que representa justamente
tudo aquilo que eu mais temi?
Sempre a mesma história, vocês vão dizer

O que é isso em seus olhos?
Eu sinto cheiro de medo no ar

É só pra minha segurança esse jogo de bate-assopra

O que é isso em seus olhos?
Eu sinto cheiro de medo no ar
Tanta coisa pra fazer e vocês ficam aqui me atrasando
Mesmo que eu evite essa conversa vai pro mesmo lugar

Me deixe em paz, só peço que me deixe em paz
por isso que quando vocês se fodem
meu coração faz uma festa